Common Health Issues In Pets During Rainy Season

Common Health Issues In Pets During Rainy Season

Pets suffer from several health issues during the monsoons. It is of the utmost importance to take extreme care of them and see if they are not eating the wrong food or drinking dirty water. Pet owners must take great care to ensure their pets stay disease-free this season.

Most of these conditions are caused or aggravated by contaminated water and high humidity. Damp-smelling coats and ticks are also standard at this time. Some organizations provide better details about  pet care services and tips to keep your pets well-groomed and healthy during in the rainy season.

During the monsoon, it's essential to thoroughly clean dogs with particularly long hair. Remember not to let your dog nibble on the grass when it's raining. More likely, pets will get several common ailments during the monsoon season.

Pet parents must be alert to the common health issues in pets during the rainy season that may affect their furry friends every year. During the monsoon season, pets are more likely to suffer from some common diseases. Being a dog owner means monitoring your dog’s health at home, especially on rainy days. During this time, there is a high moisture content in the atmosphere, which can lead to some severe or common illnesses in dogs.

Here is the list of common health issues in pets during the rainy season:

1. Mosquito Bites

Since mosquitoes carry Dirofilaria, which causes heartworm infection in dogs, mosquito bites can be fatal to canines. Use year-round control to stop issues from occurring. If your dog has thin fur or skin, or a topical mosquito-repelling bug repellent if your dog has thin fur or skin since they are more likely to get bitten.

During rainy days, fleas and ticks can readily assault pets. Dogs can become seriously ill from these insects. Sometimes they can even be deadly. Your dog's skin itches as a result of ticks sucking blood. Fever and severe skin rashes may result from this.

How to prevent ticks and flea infestations on your pet dog?

1. Perform regular grooming.

2. Use vet-approved dog flea shampoo.

3. Rub coconut oil on your dog’s skin.

4. Avoid taking them to tick-infested areas.

It is essential to wash their paws properly and dry them with a towel after every walk to prevent skin infections and digestive issues. Insects like ticks and fleas are abundant during the season, and pets must be protected from them.

2. Leptospirosis

A spirochete resembles germs that wildlife typically carries. It is pervasive in the environment when there has been a lot of rainfall. Leptospira are more frequently swept into standing water by rain. Pets who wade in the polluted water, swim in it or drink it become ill.

Dogs exposed to water sources polluted by wildlife urine are susceptible to transmission (puddles, streams, ponds). They may display signs including vomiting, appetite loss, lethargy, and excessive thirst.

3. Intestinal problem

Bad water and food can lead to health issues,, including gastroenteritis and gastrointestinal disturbances. Make sure there is a reliable source of fresh water for drinking. Due to the ease of cleaning, serve food and water in separate metal dishes.

Intestinal problems such as diarrhoea are one of the most common diseases during the rainy season. If accompanied by loss of appetite, vomiting, and fever, there could be a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection in the dog or cat’s digestive system. A dirty bowl is a common cause of diarrhoea and intestinal problems in pets during the rainy season.

 Like a dirty puddle outside the house, a dirty bowl is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. Pet owners are advised always to keep their pets’ bowls clean and elevated to prevent bacteria and disease-carrying pests like cockroaches from contaminating their pet’s food or water.

Giving warm food or milk is frequently advised, but keep in mind that any particular treatment has to be handled by your veterinarian.

4. Skin Allergies

The moist and humid weather that the monsoon season brings can attract pests and other parasites to thrive in the skin and fur of dogs and cats. Fleas and ticks—the most common pests that feed on pets can cause mild to severe skin allergies.

Observe the pet while scratching. It is usually normal for pets to scratch, but excessive itching and scratching are causes for concern. Check into their fur and see any redness or irritation on their skin, and you will see a lot of ticks or fleas inhabiting the pet’s body. To combat this, pet owners must immediately seek treatment from their local veterinarian, who will provide the proper care and treatment to address their pet’s skin allergy.

If left untreated, skin allergies may cause hair loss and skin infections. Pets with dermatitis will even lose interest in physical activities and social interactions.

5. Diarrhea

Diarrhoea is expected during this time of year due to undigested food in the intestine. Prolonged undigested food results in loose motion and can lead to severe dehydration and kidney issues.


1. Vomiting

2. Loose motion

3. Weight loss

4. Loss of appetite

5. Stomach pain

How to prevent diarrhea in dogs

1. Maintain the gut flora of their digestive tract.

2. Give your dog some plain yogurt.

3. Make sure the dog has access to plenty of clean water.

6. Respiratory Diseases

If your dog is suffering from a cold during the rainy days, the chances of contracting a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection such as pneumonia are high.


1. Difficulty in breathing.

2. Loss of appetite.

3. Runny nose.

4. Cough and weakness.

How to avoid respiratory discomfort?

1.Try to keep your dog dry during the rainy season.

2. Avoid taking them to moisture-rich areas.

3. If you give them a bath, don’t forget to blow dry them properly.

As a dog owner, you must keep an eye on your dog's health at home, particularly on rainy days. Because of the high moisture content in the air during this season, dogs may get various major or minor ailments.

Monsoons are here, and it is the perfect season to spend quality time outdoors with your pets. However, pet parents need to be careful with the health and hygiene of their furry babies as they are at risk of several skin infections, waterborne diseases, etc., in the rainy season.

Petscape provides pet care services for cats, dogs, fish, rabbits, and tortoises. They provide the best care and assist with all kinds of pet needs.

Even the sound of thunder proves to be unpleasant for our furry pals, and long walks might be compromised in case of persistent showers. Like humans, even our pets are highly vulnerable to skin infections and other health issues in the rainy season.

Firstly, ensure regular health check-ups by a qualified vet whenever the season changes. Secondly, provide deworming vaccination as and when required. Monsoon is the season when humidity, rains, and heat can all be a problem for your furry friends.